Rayman Arena

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This article is about a modified version of a previously-released game. For more information, see Rayman M.

Rayman Arena is the American release of Rayman M, released in 2002 for the PC, PlayStation 2, GameCube, and Xbox. (The title was altered to avoid misconceptions about the game if related to the ESRB's "M for Mature" rating.)

PlayStation 2, PC

Main article: Rayman M

The PlayStation 2 and PC versions of the game very closely mimic their overseas counterparts. Most changes were for localization, such as changing any "Rayman M" logos into "Rayman Arena". The only other major change difference lies in the LAN mode for the PC version.

Xbox, GameCube

The Xbox and GameCube had never received a port of Rayman M (due to the consoles having not been released at the time of Rayman M's release), so the designers made several changes before releasing the Rayman M ports (many pertaining to Battle mode).


This is a list of notable modifications to the Xbox and GameCube ports, among others.

  • A new intro video was used.
  • The menus had undergone major changes in navigation and aesthetically.
  • "Cups" replaced the prior "Leagues" and setup in the single-player mode was changed.
  • Murfy is seen as a reporter/paparazzi before the start of each cup in a brief comical video.
  • Lock-on has been added for less-experienced players in Battle mode.
  • Hearts are now used in Battle mode to recognize health (instead of hit points), and one heart can be regained by killing an opponent.
  • A player is given 6 possible hearts, with 5 filled when a player respawns. (The 6th is left open in case of a kill without the loss of any hearts.)
  • There is a visible timer in Battle mode.
  • There are three modes, which reflect the difficulty of the game.
  • Master Mode features only Dark Rayman as an opponent (albeit his AI is much improved from other characters), is played in black-and-white, as well as using cel-shaded graphics.
  • There are more playable characters, including Dark Globox and Dark Rayman.